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Celebrating Natural Beauty:'s Thoughts on the Curly Community and the Beauty Industry

Join us as we explore the world of curly hair and hear from on her perspective on the curly community and beauty industry. In this feature, we asked three questions about her hopes for the future, her favorite things about having curly hair, and how the beauty industry can better support and celebrate people with curly hair. Let's delve into's thoughts and find out why embracing and celebrating natural hair is so important.

Question 1.) What do you hope to see in the future for the curly hair community?

I would love to see more products with organic and quality ingredients that are natural, vegan, cruelty free. It would be amazing if there were some products that we had the ability to customize ingredients, too. The majority of curly products seems to feel the need to add coconut oil to everything which my hair doesn’t do well with, it dries my hair out. And, a big one for me is smells. Even if I love how a product works on my hair, if one has a strong perfume smell, I can’t even use it. 

I would love someone to tell me the ideal products I should use during different seasons. I like my hair most in winter. I haven’t yet found the right products to contain my curls with humidity. I think us curly’s need guidance; a tutorial or video to show which products to use on summer humid days or when there’s moisture in the air, how and when to add moisture. Maybe a checklist of which products to use when and why. Just a thought.

Question 2.) How do you think the beauty industry can better support and celebrate people with curly hair?

Favorite question!!! Show the diversity of curls on all ethnicities with various lengths, styles and colors of hair, as well as real, everyday people of various ages. Show the real, raw life of people with authentic curls. Curls that vary naturally and are not perfect from a curling iron so that we don’t feel less than perfect if our curls are unruly at times. Perfect curls are not reality; show us true curls, show us some frizz because frizz is inevitable at some point.

Embracing our individual hair type and style would help if we see the variety of looks on numerous curly haired people. The natural hair movement is growing and I think it’s fantastic. Natural beauty inspires others to feel accepted, cherish themselves and feel they are enough - just the way they are. It’s all about self-love. Children need to see, from younger ages, that it’s ok to leave their hair natural. 

My mom brushed my hair because she had no idea how to care for my hair or her own. My hair has been difficult since I was a child because we were made to feel we needed to have smooth, silky hair to look pretty. I was even voted most unique hair style in school because it was so bushy from trying to straighten it. I still have the certificate. How funny is that?! Thank goodness that’s over! 

Let’s continue to help curly haired people feel free to be themselves. 

Question 3.) What is your favorite thing about having curly hair?

I would say that my favorite is ironically also what I previously disliked most years ago: That my hair is different than most people's hair. As some say, curly hair is exotic, unique and fun.

I love that I can leave my hair down, pull it back, or put it up and the outcome can look different each day; sometimes throughout the day because curls have a mind of their own :) It’s now actually fun to have hair that isn’t very common.

In conclusion,'s thoughts on the curly community and the beauty industry provide a valuable perspective on the importance of embracing and celebrating natural hair. Her vision for the future highlights the need for greater representation and support for those with curly hair. We hope this feature has inspired you to celebrate your own curls and continue the conversation about the importance of embracing natural beauty in all its forms. Thank you for joining us on this journey and stay tuned for more inspiring stories and perspectives from members of the curly community.

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