PEX & YAY | Is it Better to Brush or Comb Curly Hair?

Is it Better to Brush or Comb Curly Hair?

If you have curly hair, you may have wondered whether it's better to brush or comb your locks. After all, curly hair has its unique set of challenges, including tangles, knots, and frizz. The right styling tools and techniques can make a big difference in managing your curly hair and achieving the desired look. In this blog, we will delve into the topic of brushing versus combing curly hair and explore the pros and cons of each method. So, let's dig in and find out which approach is better for your curly tresses!

Understanding the Nature of Curly Hair

Before we dive into the debate of brushing versus combing curly hair, it's important to understand the unique characteristics of curly hair. Curly hair is naturally more fragile and prone to breakage compared to straight hair. The curly hair shafts are often irregular in shape, causing the hair strands to twist and curl. This makes curly hair more susceptible to tangling and knots, especially when dry or damaged. Curly hair also tends to be drier and more prone to frizz due to the uneven distribution of natural oils from the scalp to the ends of the hair strands. These factors make proper care and styling techniques crucial for maintaining healthy and manageable curls.

Pros and Cons of Brushing Curly Hair

Brushing curly hair has its advantages and disadvantages, and it's important to consider them before deciding whether to brush your curls or not.

Pros of Brushing Curly Hair:

Can Help with Detangling: Brushing curly hair with a suitable brush can help to detangle knots and remove tangles more effectively, especially for those with looser curl patterns or less textured hair. This can make the styling process easier and more manageable.

Can Help with Distribution of Products: Brushing curly hair can help distribute styling products, such as leave-in conditioners or styling creams, more evenly throughout the hair, ensuring that the products are evenly distributed and providing consistent results.

Can Help with Styling: Brushing curly hair can be beneficial in certain styling techniques, such as when creating updos or achieving a smoother look. For example, using a brush when blow-drying curly hair can help to stretch and smooth the curls, resulting in a different curl pattern or hairstyle.

Can Add Volume: Brushing curly hair can help to add volume to the roots, giving the hair a lift and creating a fuller appearance, which can be desirable for those with fine or limp curls who want to create more volume at the roots.

Can Help with Scalp Health: Brushing curly hair can help to stimulate the scalp and distribute natural oils, which can help promote a healthy scalp and prevent scalp issues such as dryness or flakiness.

Can Be Convenient: Brushing curly hair can be more convenient and time-efficient compared to other detangling methods, such as finger detangling, especially for those with longer or thicker hair. It can help save time during the styling process.

Cons of Brushing Curly Hair:

Can Cause Frizz: Brushing curly hair vigorously or with the wrong type of brush can disrupt the curl pattern and cause frizz, making the hair appear unruly and less defined.

Can Cause Breakage: Brushing curly hair harshly or when it's dry can cause breakage, especially for those with tighter curl patterns or more fragile hair. The pulling and tugging motion of brushing can lead to hair breakage and split ends, which can hinder hair growth and overall hair health.

Can Disrupt Curl Pattern: Brushing curly hair can alter the natural curl pattern and cause the curls to lose their shape, resulting in a less defined and less uniform curl pattern. This can affect the overall appearance and manageability of curly hair.

Can Lead to Over-Manipulation: Brushing curly hair frequently or excessively can lead to over-manipulation, which can disrupt the natural curl pattern and result in frizz, breakage, and other hair issues.

Can Cause Pain or Discomfort: Brushing curly hair can sometimes be painful, especially if done with the wrong type of brush or if the hair is tangled or knotted. This can lead to discomfort or even scalp irritation.

May Not Be Suitable for All Curl Types: Brushing curly hair may not be suitable for all curl types, as some curl patterns, particularly tighter curls or coils, are more prone to frizz and breakage with brushing. Finger detangling or other gentler methods may be more appropriate for such curl types.

Pros and Cons of Combing Curly Hair

Combing curly hair also has its benefits and drawbacks, and it's important to consider them before deciding whether to comb your curls or not.

Pros of Combing Curly Hair

Minimizes Breakage: Combing curly hair with a wide-toothed comb or a detangling comb can help to gently detangle knots and reduce breakage compared to brushing, especially when done on wet hair or with a leave-in conditioner. This can help to preserve the integrity of your curls and prevent unnecessary damage.

Preserves Curl Pattern: Combing curly hair can help to maintain the natural curl pattern, as it allows you to separate and define each curl individually. This can result in more defined and well-formed curls, which may be desirable for those who want to enhance their natural curl pattern.

Prevents Frizz: Combing can help to distribute products evenly through the hair, such as styling creams or serums, which can help to control frizz and create a smoother appearance. Combing can also help to evenly distribute natural scalp oils, which can provide additional moisture and shine to the hair.

Suitable for Tight Curls: Combing may be a better option for those with tight curls or coils, as it can help to gently separate and detangle tightly wound curls without disrupting the curl pattern. A wide-toothed comb or a detangling comb can be especially helpful in preventing breakage and maintaining the shape of tight curls.

Less Pulling on the Hair: Combing generally involves less pulling or tugging on the hair compared to brushing, which can be beneficial for those with delicate or fragile curly hair. This can help to reduce hair breakage and damage, leading to healthier and stronger curls over time.

Can Be Less Disruptive: Combing can be less disruptive to the curl clumps compared to brushing, as it allows for a more gentle and controlled separation of curls. This can result in less disturbance to the curl pattern, preserving the natural shape and structure of the curls.

Cons of Combing Curly Hair

Can Cause Frizz: Combing curly hair vigorously or with the wrong type of comb can cause frizz, disrupting the curl pattern and leading to a less defined and more frizzy appearance. It's important to use a wide-toothed comb or a detangling comb and comb gently to avoid creating frizz.

May Lead to Breakage: Combing curly hair when it's dry or tangled can potentially cause breakage, as the comb can pull on the hair and cause it to snap. It's crucial to be gentle when combing curly hair, especially when it's dry, and use a detangling spray or a leave-in conditioner to minimize breakage.

Can Disrupt Curl Clumps: Combing can sometimes separate curl clumps, leading to a looser curl pattern and less defined curls. This can be undesirable for those who prefer more tightly defined curls and want to preserve the natural curl clumps.

Not Suitable for All Curl Types: Combing may not be suitable for all curl types, as some curls may be more prone to tangling or breakage with combing. For example, those with very fine or fragile curls may find that combing leads to more breakage, and other detangling methods such as finger detangling or using a brush may be more suitable.

Can Cause Pain or Discomfort: Combing curly hair can sometimes be painful or uncomfortable, especially if the hair is severely tangled or knotted. This can make the detangling process challenging and potentially lead to discomfort or scalp irritation.

Requires Careful Technique: Combing curly hair requires a gentle and careful technique to avoid causing breakage or disrupting the curl pattern. It's important to comb slowly and gently, starting from the ends and working your way up to the roots, to minimize tugging or pulling on the hair.

So, Which is Better: Brushing or Combing Curly Hair?

Ultimately, the decision between brushing and combing curly hair depends on various factors, including your hair type, curl pattern, styling goals, and personal preferences. Both brushing and combing can have their benefits and drawbacks, and it's important to find what works best for your specific curly hair needs.

Here are some tips to help you make an informed decision:

Consider your hair type and curl pattern: If you have looser curls and your hair is not prone to tangles or knots, brushing may be a viable option. On the other hand, if you have tighter curls or your hair is prone to tangling, combing with a wide-toothed comb or a detangling comb may be a gentler option.

Use the right tools: Whether you choose to brush or comb your curly hair, make sure to use the right tools. Opt for a brush with wide-spaced bristles or a wide-toothed comb that won't snag or pull on your curls. Avoid using regular brushes or fine-toothed combs that can cause breakage and damage to your curls.

Consider your styling goals: If you're aiming for a smooth and sleek look, brushing may be more effective in achieving that result. If you're looking to enhance your natural curl pattern, preserve volume, and minimize frizz, combing may be a better option.

Be mindful of wet hair: Wet hair is more susceptible to breakage, so if you choose to brush or comb your curly hair when it's wet, make sure to use a gentle touch and be careful not to tug or pull on your curls.

Don't overdo it: Whether you choose to brush or comb your curly hair, avoid overdoing it. Excessive brushing or combing can cause unnecessary stress on your curls, leading to breakage and damage. Be gentle and mindful of your hair's needs.

In conclusion, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of whether it's better to brush or comb curly hair. It's essential to consider your hair type, curl pattern, styling goals, and personal preferences when making this decision. Experiment with different methods and tools to find what works best for your curls and always prioritize gentle and careful handling to minimize breakage and damage. With proper care and styling, you can achieve healthy, beautiful, and well-defined curls that you'll love to flaunt!

For those looking to experience the magic of our Pex & Yay Detangle 'n' Style Brushes, visit our online store at Discover the perfect tool to effortlessly detangle and style your beautiful curls with precision and care.  Join us on this curly hair journey and unlock the potential of your gorgeous curls with Pex & Yay.

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1 comment

My hairdresser actually used this brush last week when I went for a cut.. OMG it is harder than the usual denman brush but so good for my coily hair
I’m about to place an order for myself!


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